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Sofiin čtvrtý týden v endors

Sofia, stážistka z UCLA v USA, kterou už znáte z předchozích článků, pokračuje ve svém seznamování s prací v advokátní kanceláři a s Prahou, kde nyní pobývá. Své zážitky a dojmy z letní stáže u nás sdílí na svém blogu. Sofia je v půlce svého působení v ČR a práce v kanceláři a život v Praze se jí vrývá pod kůži. Čtvrtou část s jejími novými zážitky a zkušenostmi si můžete přečíst již nyní!

Week 4 Reflection (15 July 2024 to 18 July 2024)

I’ve reached the halfway point of my time here in the Czech Republic, and all of the sudden it feels like time is moving far too quickly. We visited Kutna Hora this past weekend, and seeing the churches and bone ossuary reminded me of how much history the Czech Republic holds. I definitely want to come back to the Czech Republic to visit sometime after my internship ends, because it is impossible to see everything in two months. 

Some work days have been getting busier as well, which also makes time feel like it is speeding up. For example, usually I have one project I am working on at a time, but now I have a longer-term project: working on an article. When I translated one of endors’s websites, I read an interesting article by attorney Martin Tůma about a new Czech law on class actions, which will expand the ability for people to create class action cases. That article inspired me to look more deeply into class actions in the Czech Republic compared to the United States. My supervisor, Jaroslav Čižmář, has been very encouraging and supportive as I explore the topic, and I was also able to have a one-on-one discussion with Lukáš Šikel, an attorney at endors who is very knowledgeable on the topic. I greatly appreciate the chance to start my own project and discuss ideas with my coworkers, and I look forward to continuing this project in the coming weeks.

I thought I would have the chance to do more research on class actions this week, but by Wednesday I received multiple other tasks–which is a good problem to have. I made some English templates to improve efficiency in writing legal documents, and I also started research EU regulations and Czech law for a contract issue. I have never had to research and find applicable laws for a potential case, so this assignment has been very helpful to build my research and analytical skills, and I also gained more insight into the type of work others in the office do on a daily basis. To me, the task felt like a puzzle, and I really enjoyed the process of connecting the contract and applicable law together with my own reasoning.

Overall, I feel more integrated both in the work culture and work tasks now, and as I do more, I realize there is so much I can and will continue to learn. 

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