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Sofiin šestý týden v endors

Sofia, stážistka z UCLA v USA, kterou už znáte z předchozích článků, pokračuje v práci v advokátní kanceláři v Praze, kde nyní pobývá. Své zážitky a dojmy z letní stáže u nás sdílí na svém blogu. Sofii se působení v ČR pomalu chýlí ke konci. Šestou část s jejími zážitky a zkušenostmi si můžete přečíst již nyní!

Week 6 Reflection

Now that I am well beyond the halfway point of my internship, I am more aware that my time at endors will be ending in a couple of weeks. There are fewer new tasks, and I am mainly focusing on research for my article as well as for my coursework. I am also trying to take advantage of my remaining time here to learn as much as I can from the employees at endors before I leave.

For example, I was able to interview Michal Kapitan, who is an attorney specializing in capital markets and public procurement. During the interview, we discussed his career, his experiences at endors, and what he has learned from being an attorney. We were also able to discuss the topics of AI and labor law, which I have been researching for my academic paper. Through the entire interview, the main thing that stuck out to me was Mr. Kapitan’s dedication. I asked him about the most challenging part of his work, and he said that it is capital markets–but he also went on to say that capital markets are his favorite work. The effort that it takes to complete his cases seems to motivate him all the more, and he is even able to combine his interests in finance with his work at the office. It inspires me to strive for similar goals in my own work.

Apart from the interview, I was also able to discuss my class actions article with Martin Tůma–one of the attorneys and team leaders at endors. Our discussion inspired a clearer angle for the article, and I finally have a full draft to edit and review over the next couple of weeks. Going forward, I hope to continue to speak with others about their career journeys, and to see how their expertise intersects with my own work and interests. 

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