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Sofiin třetí týden v endors

Sofia, stážistka z UCLA v USA, kterou už znáte z předchozích článků, pokračuje ve svém seznamování s prací v advokátní kanceláři a s Prahou, kde nyní pobývá. Své zážitky a dojmy z letní stáže u nás sdílí na svém blogu. Třetí část si můžete přečíst již nyní!

Week 3 Reflection (8 July 2024 to 11 July 2024)

I traveled to another part of Europe this weekend, and upon my return, I realized that my surroundings felt familiar. I recognized traffic signs on the way back from the airport, I knew when I was always back to my housing, and once I unpacked my weekend bag, I went to a coffeeshop without having to look at the map. I was excited to be back in Prague, and I felt comfortable. I can navigate the city more freely now without needing to pull out Google Maps every time. To me, that is a sign that I have successfully been able to build a routine, and I feel that I am finding a nice community with both my fellow university classmates (several of us watched the EuroCup semifinals together this week) and my coworkers at endors.

The more documents I look through at my internship, the more I am curious about the similarities and differences between the Czech Republic and the United States. I may try to write an article comparing a specific topic between the two countries, and the documents I have been reviewing are helping me to come up with ideas. For example, I have read several articles on class action developments in Europe, and I have reviewed multiple employment contracts that outline standards for annual paid leave, maternity leave, lunch breaks and more. One day, I also got the chance to review a marketing cooperation agreement and create a list of actionable items for the parties involved. I didn’t realize that so much detail goes into these agreements to promote a brand, and now whenever I see a partnership on social media or television, I’ll have a better appreciation for how much detail probably went into it. Even in small ways, my perspective on things is changing.  

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